Thursday, January 31, 2008

Top 100 greatest 3D movies

CGSociety and 3D World present a rundown of the Top 100 3D Movies as selected by the CG community. These are based on votes by visitors to CGSociety and exclude films like Blade Runner - although undoubtedly influential - becuase they featured only traditional effects. To qualify for inclusion on our shortlist, a movie needed to meet three criteria: to have a running time of 60 minutes or longer; to have received a full cinematic release;and to include a significant element of 3D animation or VFX work, as opposed to matte painting or compositing.

They've also have a neat time line that show release dates.

Do you know what the first feature film to use computer graphics was, do you really??

Can you guess what the number chosen film was? I was a little surprise just from listening to the influences of some of the CG lover folks I know (maybe they're a little older than they think), but it makes complete sense and is deserving of a number one spot.

see the list at

1 comment:

Adam J. Ely said...

Sweeeet! Happy Feet made the cut, and Giant Killer Robots is even mentioned! :)