Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Terrence Malick & Dinosaurs?

Yeah, that sounds pretty good to me. If you really know me, you know one of my favorite directors is Terrence Malick and that THE THIN RED LINE borders on one of my favorite films of all time. Now there's news that Malick is working on something that'll have dinosaurs in it along with Brad Pitt and Sean Penn and has WETA'a Richard Taylor as an consultant, no matter how these things add up it sounds good to me. Here's more at Ain't It Cool News.


-B- said...

Muad'Dib, where are the videos I crave.

Do-do-do-doo, do-do-do-doo.

Joshua Hayes said...

Soon, soon, I'm upgrading the technology as we speak...or as I speak...or as I write rather, this communication is very one sided, it's good I'm a Master of it....

-B- said...

Video. Vid-e-os.


Joshua Hayes said...

I have uploaded a test, should be on here momentarily, so say the machines!

Joshua Hayes said...
